An art club in a certain middle school, and its members: Subaru Uchimaki, who is a genius at drawing faces, but only wants to draw the perfect 2D wife; Colette,…
Having spent the summer engaging common criminals with his new-found powers, not so typical 16-year-old Peter Parker must conceal his secret identity and battle super-villains in the real world as…
Sasuke’s future hangs in the balance as Orochimaru prepares for reanimation. It’s been three years since Sasuke left the Leaf Village seeking the power Orochimaru promised him. Now it’s time…
Defeated by Sasuke, Naruto returns to the hidden Leaf Village to start a new training program with Kakashi and Yamato. Naruto learns that he has Wind-style chakra. Meanwhile, a group…
Aang wakes up from his battle with Azula to discover that Ba Sing Se has fallen and the world thinks he’s dead. So he and his friends set off undercover…
The story follows Jogoro Kobato, a boy with great deduction skills, and Yuki Osanai, a girl with sharp perception and strong initiative. Both yearn for an ordinary life, the former…
Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powerless, as his talented father was easily crushed and crippled by the…
Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors, and urban legends throughout the history of Japan.
Tsumiki Miniwa, a small girl who packs a punch, is in love with her best friend, tall and easygoing Io Otonashi. The only problem is that she can’t bring herself…