Set on a peaceful island during a violent terrorist attack, a young boy is suddenly transformed into a metal-cased mercenary. But with this great power comes even greater danger. Aiyuki…
Welcome to Engamori, the cozy town where supernatural beings are your friendly neighbors. For generations and to this day, the otherworldly Yokai and humans have continued to protect their easygoing…
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
Tomoya’s father remarries to another woman, giving him a stepsister, Ichika. However Ichika is 17-years old and has completely fallen in love with her stepbrother who is only 13!! Families…
Al Wayne loves farming — and we don’t mean the video game sim. He wants to be a literal farmer, but in the process of improving his agriculture skills, he…
His past life and current life are intersecting–a boy with memories of two lives faces his destiny! After his mother was killed at an early age, the orphaned Rio fought…
Edward and Alphonse Elric’s reckless disregard for alchemy’s fundamental laws ripped half of Ed’s limbs from his body and left Al’s soul clinging to a cold suit of armor. To…