Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Season 1
In Universal Century 0079, the Principality of Zeon declares its independence from the Earth Federation government, igniting a state of war. In the initial stages, Zeon forces gain the upper hand with their powerful new weapon, the mobile suit. However, their inability to fully conquer Earth leads to a prolonged stalemate. Eleven months into the war, the Federation Forces captured a base in Zeon-occupied Eastern Europe. In response, a Zeon composite battalion is dispatched to reclaim the base. Among its members are Captain Solari and her Red Wolf Squadron, a newly arrived mobile suit team from space. Which side will finally emerge victorious?
In Universal Century 0079, the Principality of Zeon declares its independence from the Earth Federation government, igniting a state of war. In the initial stages, Zeon forces gain the upper hand with their powerful new weapon, the mobile suit. However, their inability to fully conquer Earth leads to a prolonged stalemate. Eleven months into the war, the Federation Forces captured a base in Zeon-occupied Eastern Europe. In response, a Zeon composite battalion is dispatched to reclaim the base. Among its members are Captain Solari and her Red Wolf Squadron, a newly arrived mobile suit team from space. Which side will finally emerge victorious?
Original Title: 機動戦士ガンダム 復讐のレクイエム
JP Title: 機動戦士ガンダム:復讐のレクイエム
Status: Finished Airing
Genre: Fantasy Politics Sci-Fi War ប្រភេទរឿងភាគអឺរ៉ុប - Europe Series
Country: Japan
Views: 4646
Director: Erasmus Brosdau
Actors: Andrew Woolner, Celia Massingham, Daniel Wishes, James Watts, Jessica Spies, Lavance, Maurice Shelton, Maxwell Powers