Danchigai Season 1
Based on a four-panel manga by Kazusa Yoneda, Danchigai focuses on the life of Haruki Nakano and his four sisters, all of whom live together in the same apartment complex. The only boy of five siblings, Haruki lives with his older sister Mutsuki, difficult younger sister Yayoi, and mischievous twins Uzuki and Satsuki
Based on a four-panel manga by Kazusa Yoneda, Danchigai focuses on the life of Haruki Nakano and his four sisters, all of whom live together in the same apartment complex. The only boy of five siblings, Haruki lives with his older sister Mutsuki, difficult younger sister Yayoi, and mischievous twins Uzuki and Satsuki
Original Title: だんちがい
JP Title: だんちがい
Status: Finished Airing
Genre: Comedy
Country: Japan
Views: 2270
Director: Hiroshi Kimura
Actors: Atsushi Abe, Mikako Komatsu, Satomi Akesaka, Sayaka Horino, Sora Tokui