- 1The Bonfire of the Manatees
- 2The Girl Who Slept Too Little
- 3Milhouse of Sand and Fog
- 4Treehouse of Horror XVI
- 5Marge's Son Poisoning
- 6See Homer Run
- 7The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
- 8The Italian Bob
- 9Simpsons Christmas Stories
- 10Homer's Paternity Coot
- 11We're on the Road to D'ohwhere
- 12My Fair Laddy
- 13The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
- 14Bart Has Two Mommies
- 15Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
- 16Million Dollar Abie
- 17Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
- 18The Wettest Stories Ever Told
- 19Girls Just Want to Have Sums
- 20Regarding Margie
- 21The Monkey Suit
- 22Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play

Working through their checklists of things to do before summer ends, Lisa gets the family to go a museum. At the Springfield Museum of Natural History there is an exhibit Lisa is excited to see on Women’s History turns into an exhibit on the history of weapons, which excites Homer and Bart. When Flanders sees the exhibit of evolution and another that mocks creationism, he raises an alarm. Reverend Lovejoy gets Skinner to have creationism taught in school. Lisa is the only one who holds onto the scientific theory. She brings the topic up at the town meeting and the town votes to teach only one theory, creationism. Lisa decides to hold her own class on evolution, until she is arrested. The ACLU gives her a lawyer who is up against a slick Southern lawyer, but ultimately it’s a family member that is a key to her defense.