- 1The Bonfire of the Manatees
- 2The Girl Who Slept Too Little
- 3Milhouse of Sand and Fog
- 4Treehouse of Horror XVI
- 5Marge's Son Poisoning
- 6See Homer Run
- 7The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
- 8The Italian Bob
- 9Simpsons Christmas Stories
- 10Homer's Paternity Coot
- 11We're on the Road to D'ohwhere
- 12My Fair Laddy
- 13The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
- 14Bart Has Two Mommies
- 15Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
- 16Million Dollar Abie
- 17Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
- 18The Wettest Stories Ever Told
- 19Girls Just Want to Have Sums
- 20Regarding Margie
- 21The Monkey Suit
- 22Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play

The family is on a nature walk through “Carl’s Dad Caverns,” when Homer tries to get a piece from a stalactite. This results in the family falling through the cave floor and winds up with Homer getting stuck in the ceiling of one of the lower chambers of the cave. Marge, Bart and Maggie go off to find help, while Lisa stays behind and tells her father a story to pass the time. Her story involves running from a bighorn sheep and into Mr. Burn’s mansion. The pair evades the tenacious sheep by finding refuge in the mansion’s attic, where Mr. Burns tells her the story of how he came to work at Moe’s Tavern by losing a scavenger hunt with a rich Texan. While there he learned (and tells to Lisa) the tale of the Moe’s treasure. The stories within stories culminate in the fate of the treasure being determined in the cave.