In the twelve years of Tianbao, Kong Hongjun, a handsome young man who is not familiar with the world, left the Yaojin Palace on the Taihang Mountain with three important…
Long ago, the most ancient of divine dragons was slain by a human. The mighty dragon accepted its death when suddenly, it was reborn as Dolan, a man who lives…
Naruto returns from his training journey eager to see his friend Sasuke. But Sasuke has only one thing on his mind: his quest for revenge against his older brother. His…
Rishe, the duke’s daughter, is no stranger to reincarnation—it’s her seventh life, after all. Each life restarts at her broken engagement. Having been a merchant, a maid, and a knight,…
One day, on his way to visit his grandfather’s grave, Zhang Chulan is attacked by zombies in a graveyard. In the midst of that situation, he is saved by a…
Climbing a deadly tower, Oscar seeks the power of its master, the Witch of the Azure Moon. He hopes her incredible magic can break a curse that will kill any…
Under Nariyuki Yuiga’s devoted tutelage, his classmates Rizu Ogata, Fumino Furuhashi, and Uruka Takemoto are finally pulling average test scores on their worst subjects. But time is ticking, and there…
The city’s academies are divided into their own districts and are considered mostly independent. The General Student Council acts as a governing board to manage the academies as a whole….
In the wake of unknown Catastrophes in the heart of Terra, a mineral of unimaginable power has been discovered. With it, society’s technology has made huge leaps and bounds, but…
The skilled hunter Kikuru Madan has decided to retire out of fear of wasting his youth. One day, a guild staff member suggests that he go on a quest with…