In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school’s basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member…
Shortly after the Inter-High of Kagami and Kuroko’s second-year, a street basketball team from the USA called Team Jabberwock came to Japan to play a friendly match against a Japanese…
Kazuya Yamanashi, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Yamanashi—famous “artists” and the creators of Perception Art, recently enrolled in the prestigious art institution Eisen High School with his childhood friend…