Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie
Based on the bestselling book series, DreamWorks Animation presents the long-awaited global movie event, Captain Underpants. This outrageous family comedy tells the story of two overly imaginative pranksters, George (Kevin Hart) and Harold (Thomas Middleditch), who hypnotize their principal (Ed Helms) into thinking he’s an enthusiastic, yet dimwitted, superhero named Captain Underpants.
Based on the bestselling book series, DreamWorks Animation presents the long-awaited global movie event, Captain Underpants. This outrageous family comedy tells the story of two overly imaginative pranksters, George (Kevin Hart) and Harold (Thomas Middleditch), who hypnotize their principal (Ed Helms) into thinking he’s an enthusiastic, yet dimwitted, superhero named Captain Underpants.
Views: 1662
Country: Canada, France, United States
Runtime: 89 min
Release: 2017
IMDb: 6.2
Director: David Soren
Actors: DeeDee Rescher, Ed Helms, Jordan Peele, Kevin Hart, Kristen Schaal, Nick Kroll, Thomas Middleditch