- 1The Dream Teens
- 2Futureshock!
- 3I Hate The 80s
- 4The O.P
- 5Alex Gets Schooled
- 6Mime Your Own Business
- 7Attack of The 50 Foot Mandy
- 8Evil Jerry
- 9"0067"
- 10Arnold The Great
- 11Mani-Maniac Much?
- 12Deja Cruise
- 13Evil Bouquets Are Sooo Passe…
- 14Evil Heiress Much?
- 15Sis-KaBOOM-Bah!
- 16Evil Ice Cream Man Much?
- 17Beauty Is Skin Deep
- 18Like, So Totally Not Spies (1)
- 19Like, So Totally Not Spies (2)
- 20The Suavest Spy
- 21Spy Soccer
- 22Spies on the Farm
- 23Spies in Space
- 24Totally Busted (1)
- 25Totally Busted (2)
- 26Totally Busted (3)
Following a humiliation in the lunchroom, Arnold is left depressed. That night, as they watch someone breaking into an armoured van, Arnold dressed as a superhero appears, and attempts to capture the man. The van seals, and drives off a cliff. Sam, Clover, and Alex save Arnold beforehand, and make him swear to keep their identities secret. Geraldine Husk appears after the spies leave, and gives Arnold a utility belt. The next day, Arnold’s superhero alter ego has been reported saving people, but the device is secretly brainwashing Arnold to destroy the spies. In a b story, Alex finds a stray puppy, and looks after him, as she attempts to find the owner. Villain: Geraldine Husk.